Business card

Company name: Pocinkovalnica, storitveno podjetje, d.o.o.
Short name: Pocinkovalnica, d.o.o.
Head office: Bežigrajska cesta 6, 3000 Celje
Registration number: 5703654
Tax number: SI56228732
Transactional account at
SI56 3400 0102 2601 330
Transactional account at Nova KBM d.d.: SI56 0400 0027 6403 866
Transactional account at SKB BANKA D.D.: SI56 0311 8100 1119 922
Company registration: District Court in Celje,  nr.: 1/04954/00
Share capital 426.214,00€
CEO: Matjaž Pečar

Primary activity of the company Pocinkovalnica, d.o.o. is hot-dip galvanizing of steel, a method widely acknowledged as the most successful corrosion protection of steel. The company was established in 1997, while our tradition and experience in hot dip galvanizing reach as far back as the second half of the 19th century.

During this time we have become a successful, market orientated company with a significant market share on markets of Slovenia, Croatia and Austria, which ensures that we maintain a stable business position.

Quick data

Pocinkovalnica  d.o.o.
Bežigrajska cesta 6
3000 Celje

T: +386 (0)3 42 63 228
F: +386 (0)3 42 63 232

TaxNr.: 56228732
VAT: SI56228732


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